Between ballooning interest rates and hidden charges, you’ve finally reached that pinnacle point with your finances when you’re ready to pull your hair out and take the hedge trimmers to your credit cards. If the largest portion of your debt is on high interest rate credit cards, take heart in knowing there is a solution.
Transferring all your debt over to one card with a zero percent interest rate can be one debt-reducing solution; not to mention also a stress-reducer. There are currently two available through Discover: Discover More American Flag card offers 0% interest for twelve months with a 5% balance transfer fee; the Escape card offers 0% interest for six months with a 3% balance transfer fee.
Discover More Card-0% interest for twelve months with 5% balance transfer fee.
After the first year of 0% Annual Percentage Rate, the standard rate of 10.99% - 18.99% will apply. Standard rates depend on your credit history. There are multiple designs to choose from and there are over 50 million Discover Card users. Also, there is no annual fee with the Discover More Card.
Escape Card-0% interest for six months with 3% balance transfer fee.
After the initial six months, the standard APR rate of 11.99-18.99% will apply, according to your credit rating. Although there is only a 3% balance transfer fee during the first six months, there is a $60 annual fee in addition to other fees and charges.
Neither of these options will make your debt disappear but can certainly reduce your stress level. Knowing your monthly payment is paying completely for principal and not interest, is a priceless peace of mind. Which card you choose depends on how soon you can realistically pay off your debt; six months or twelve. For your convenience, you can apply for either the Discover More or Escape Card online or by phone.
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